Sunday, July 14, 2013


You guys gave me 31 views last night! Apparently a lot of you are surfing blogs at 5:34 in the morning. haha. Just wanted to thank you. I may add a google+ thingie where you can follow me. Thanks sososososoosososososososoosososo much! You are the best! To quote mable pines-BLEEAAAAH! Keep reading guys!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

And the link is!:

New blog!

Sorry if I haven't been on AJ! It's just been getting...boring. So just to tell you, NO,  I am not DEAD. Leave a comment with your username, I'll send you a gift. Wait about... Eh, less than 5 days, you'll get it.

 I AM GOING OUT OF MY MIND. I ordered some LEGO stuff, (A motorcycle, A unicorn helmet for a LEGO horse, and a skydiver.) Now I have to wait, *checks watch* 2 or 3 more days for it to come in. BLAH! So except a couple more posts on *both* my blogs.

I'll just script the rest of this.
You: Both?
Me: Yeah! I'm starting a new blog!
Me: The name of the blog is: "Spitting in the wind." Get the parody? SPITTING in the wind. The movie. SPINNING in the wind?
You: ...I don't get it.
Me: You wouldn't. :D No offence, guys!
 By the time you see this post, It'll Be up and runnin'! Have fun, guys!

*Last subject* So, my mom and mah tia have this little business. It's called FANCY LITTLE FAVORS. They make capia's. (Sometimes called "corsages.) They ARE HANDMADE, and come from a smoke-free, Almost pet-free home. I should know, I paint for them! But still, If your going to have a baby shower, Birthday, Or any type of special occasion, call THEM! "Fancy Little Favors." On Ebay, Amazon, And facebook! Check them out. Please? :P XD. Bai. See you on the new blog. BAI.