Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do me a favor?

Hey! I'm going to reward you for being patient with an extra- long post. Thank you!!!!
  Can you guys do me a favor? Buddy blacktiger333. He's an old friend of mine and both of us are in the same class.(*good times and happy thoughts*) On Friday, I gave him a promise that I would get him a brown rare bow. That day, I won a giveaway from wackywolf81 for white mechs. Today, I chose a server that had buddies on it. I made a really stupid trade for green mechs. So I went to go show Mira, The Sky Mother my NEW mechs to see if she approved on my raccoon. I got a trade for a pillow for my brown bow. I took a closer look at the user name and saw that It was black tiger*. We chatted for a while, Played  some tic-tac-toe and we both left. Now, the rest of this post is going to be a rant about beggars.
*Not saying his real-world name!

         On Saturday, I was in the township getting ready for my post. (Taking screenshot of jam-mart clothing and captain Melville's juice hut. does anyone go there anymore?) I spied a group of people saying they were poor and needed gems. You know there's this really amazing thing called "PLAYING GAMES". Playing best dressed for ten minutes gives me well over 3,000. Do you even understand the dumbness of these people? The thing is, I bet that their parents don't know they say that! PLAYING GAMES= NO MORE POOR!!! I am going to e-mail AJHQ (Heh, I typed AJBT for a sec there.) about this and ask them to add more games.
                                         Thanks guys!
Tommorow will be a day of happiness...

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