Saturday, April 6, 2013



                   Kidding! XD! Anyway, I saw the coolest animal today. JULIAN2. His arctic wolf is so swaggy that i'm mesmerized.. :p I looked for an arctic wolf membership at walmart, but they had none! So, Today's post was going to be about my interests and whatnot (old lady word) ,but I'm going to post about some thing else. Beta's. I've wanted some for so long, but i cant seem to get my hands on one. Like once, Someone sent me a rocking horse, and a robot. Me being me, i acepted but traded for black tail armor and a bow. I wish i could go back but...*gets dragged away by scientests*  Time travel is not real. forget i said anything. :D...-was that believable?- I am now going to sign off in a non-suspicious way.

                                                                                             Do not be alarmed,

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