Thursday, June 20, 2013


 What is AJHQ thinking? They brought back one of the most RECOGNIZABLE betas in Jamaa. The beta computer. I heard from my buddy, XxneonbananaxX , That TV's were coming back. That's going too far. They might as well bring back every beta item in the game! Spikes! Worns!  Bows! Fox hats! (Which aren't really THAT beta.) You see it though!
  In other news, I saw WootMoo! We were in his den, Because it was unlocked, (STALKER 0-0). Flash trading, Of course. Then WootMoo HIMSELF came into the den! I asked for his autograph, Along with 3 others, And he said "Sorry guys, I don't have time to respond to everybody! I just got on to check the new item!" And....He gone.
  In even MORE news, What do you guys think about the brand new PHEONIX costume! That is going to be HUGE with the clans. What should I buy? The legs, The tail, The head? I'm leaning towards the Boots. It's like wearing a legend on all 4 paws!
                  Thank you guys SO much for reading.  Comment maybe!,

Friday, June 14, 2013

Side Note

Hello? Anyone there? I checked my blog dashboard, 371 views...
 I was just going to ask, Could you guys comment a bit? If I know people are viewing my blog, I would post more. Comment maybe!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


So, first off, an AMAZING buddy that is NOT a scammer. Her name is firestar23561. I think. I can't really remember the numbers. So, yesterday, I was actually making a music video for you guys. In coral canyons, here I go, la la la .  There's a fox saying, if you want my outfit come to my den. Naturally, I went and she traded me antlers, faerie wings, and some other in-store items for a tail armor. Not a very big deal. We talked for a while about rares and other things like the diamond shop. We both departed . I took a short 25- minute break to eat some ice cream. Got on, 6 jam- a- grams. ALL of them had gifts. I sent some back. Now, 27 gifts and LOTS of letters later, we are best friends and both of us are happy.
Next, JULIAN2'S DEN IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!! He mentioned in a recent video he would keep it open for a day and a half at a time.
This morning, I looked on my blogger dashboard and, in the last MONTH, you guys have given this blog 360 PAGE VIEWS ! You guys are amazing followers, and i am glad to have you. >:{D ...
Oh, If you have any unwanted rares, jam- a -gram me!That's   crouchingwolf.  no spaces. 
-3- .3. o3o 030

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Ugh. I..I don't know where to begin. So i was gonna do a post about rares in high demand today, but guess what was in  the way?

                              the diamond shop.
So I thought "oh cute, I wonder if it's in club geoz?". I got on animal jam and went down to club geoz , but lo and behold,  56
 jammers chanting about tail armor. Apparently they could not get in.  I was my wolf at the time and wrote in caps" RELAX!"
I strolled inside and went straight to the arctic wolf statue and... 
arctic wolves, snow leapords and lions. i paid REAL money for those animals and now the are selling them for basically FREE! 
At this point, im tearing up and i look at the clothing and den item shop, and they have rainbow and rain clouds, and TAIL ARMOR WITH LEGEND GLOVES. I worked for weeks to get those items and now you get them for free. It's like "here, have a FREE item." However, that WAS our member gift. We got to pick our own.  So i'm not complaining LOTS. At least we got a good rare instead of a crappy gift like a pet. That might be just a cover story. I know for a FACT that people called ajhq and asked for a rare shop.
